Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Personal Finance and Money Management 20 - Risk Management

As we mentioned in previous articles, we know that our government only represents about 30% of our retirement income. The company retirement pension plan offers another 30 % and many of us do not have one. It is up to individuals to invest wisely short and long term in order to make up for the short fall if he or she would like to live comfortably after retirement without giving up some retirement plans. In order to protect yourself against inflation, interest rate, business and market risks in your investment portfolio, it is wise to understand current economic conditions, knowledge of investments, and diversification. In this article, we will discuss risk management.

1. Life cycle risk
In fact, the amount of risk that will be acceptable will vary with the stage of the life cycle.
a) A young person with no dependents will have a higher risk level than a middle-age person with a family.
b) A retired couple requiring income to finance their life style every month tend to be more conservative than middle age people with a family.

2. Employment risk
Government employees have more income security than someone self-employed, someone working in a service industry that often lays off workers, or seasonal workers. It is wise to balance your risk if you doubt your job security, you may consider putting some savings in very low-risk debt securities in case of lay off.

3. Diversify your investments
Diversification is a basic principle in portfolio management that helps to reduce total risk by choosing securities of different types of investment vehicles (do not put all your eggs in one basket) so you spread your investment money over a variety of investments and adjust your investment according to your needs, life cycle, and economic conditions change.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What is the Definition of Personal Finance - Budgeting

If you find yourself asking where to begin with learning proper finance, start with the definition of personal finance, budgeting. Why the definition of personal finance is budgeting we will outline in the following article, because truly there is no more important lesson as to what proper financial management entails, and what will most directly contribute to your success with your money.

Proper Budgeting is Personal Finance Mastery

There is no need to look beyond budgeting when beginning your journey towards personal finance mastery. Budgeting can be a scary prospect when you have not done so for a long time, the money tale told by your expenses and income can paint a poor picture. But whether you are a millionaire with investments, countless loans, mortgages and stock holdings, or an honest hardworking fellow just beginning your financial journey, budgeting is the key to continued success with your money.

Proper personal finance budgeting allows you to account for what monies you have coming in and what monies you have flowing out of your accounts. Mastery of your finances, no matter your level of income is a matter of using this information to make decisions that increase the money you have coming in each month, and decrease the flow of cash you have leaving your possession. If you choose to achieve this through additional investments, decreasing interest rates with consolidation loans or a job promotion the basics of personal finance budgeting remains the same.

Proper managing of one's debt, income and expenses is the soul of managing your money and that is why the definition of personal finance is budgeting. There is no need to get more complicated than this, with your credit cards, payday loans, investments and stock options, you will find yourself on a sound financial footing if you keep a detailed budget, follow your money, and ensure that you spend less than you earn each and every month.

To properly budget your personal finances you simply add up your sources of income, account for every penny that you have flowing to you each month, and track every expense. I am not concerned with the exact system you employ as long as you are detailed and know how your money is flowing. Track your loans, and if you have bad credit lenders, know how much you are spending in interest. Track your credit cards and what amount of your payments applies to principle and what cash goes towards interest. Make knowing your finances your business and when you have an accurate picture of the flow of your money, then work to improve your finances.

Most mistakes of personal finance are made because honest, hardworking people have an unclear, or foggy idea of how their money is spent from month to month. With a little attention to the details of your cash flow you will find that there are countless ways to save additional money, and increase your income. Keep a focus on the basics of personal finance and never forget that the definition of personal finance is budgeting. You too can start making a profit today.